anyway, last february, dira pergi pattaya.. wuhu holiday atlast with my family.. but its big trip cz ramai yang pergi.we had 2 teams, 1 pergi jalan darat ie ride n drive lah.. and another 1 naik naik flight lah sbb bwk anggun.
but b4 anything, ya. i cut my hair short a day before i left for pattaya.. why?. saje.. nak tukar imej ( konon..)
so in pattaya, it was the best trip for the 1st quarter of the year.the best that i could give to anggun so far. masa last year bwk dia gi sarawak, she was still a baby, so takleh nak bwk kuar mana sangat. but this time she's a big girl, so best sgt.. we stayed in pattaya for about 1 week. ya, lama.. dah jadi mcm org siam dah.. all of us pergi sana other than nak holiday, kitorg pergi Burappa Bike Week (its a bike carnival mcm ala2 jom heboh tp ada byk motor).. its not like a rempit thingy, its a big bike(choppers to be precised, tp ada gak budak sportbike).. byk lah, ada mcm2 jenis motor kat sana..
we went to see the underwaterwold.. then gi lepak kat pantai jomtien.. best gak but to compare with phuket, cantik lagi pantai di phuket..but it was fun lah lepak tepi pantai kat sana.. bukanlah kemaruk nak mandi laut sana sangat, but just nak lepak, tgk keadaan kat sana n just chill dgn anggun. the best was to see her had fun at the beach. she couldnt care less than just to main tepi pantai.. shes a cool baby girl. we like sunbathing together. hahaha.. feeling kan.
All these pictures masa kat pantai jomtien tu.. kalau anggun lepak main tepi pantai mcm xingat apa, while me the mum pulak dok lepak sambil dikenakan thai massage.. wow, best tu.. u like duduk je then they will be like bounch of ppl yang akan datang dan tanya u mcm2 ie nak massage tak, nak udang bakar tak, nak air ke tak, nak buat mani n padicure of course lah kene bayar. siap duit je.sume benda ada..lepak tepi pantai, dengan anak yang sgt best, sunset lagi, kene thai massage, ada udang bakar lagi, then buat mani&padicure.. perghhh..!! best sehingga menjilat jari..:)
at last u update ur blog sis :) gorgeous sgt dgn rambut baru.
comelnyaaaa..... u cut yr hairr???
sweet sangat...
cute pelampung tuuu....
sweet laa rmbut baru sis...
u'r anggun cute sgt2...
mesti besh lyn die...haha...
0176460186 A!N,labu ngeri sembilan
k dira,go to my friendster
hepi belated besday 4 U....2march..dh 25yrsold...hek3..ain xpnah lupekn me k..
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