if u notice the last pix that ive put when my lovely husband, ash kissed my anggun when she was still at the hospital, u cann see how small she was rite, but now check this out.. huhuhu.. ----- >
shes the queen of my heart. she makes me wants to come back home as soon as i finished my works... she pour me with all blesses from Allah SWT.
owh ya.. speaking about this blessing, rite after i celebrate my 24th bday, with my anggun beside me, i got an offer to act for a drama, and i lead that drama, wuhuuu.. never thought of acting as part of my thingy after delivere, tp rezeki Allah.. ive been doing all sorts of productions job before way before i kahwin, try jugak nak masuk line2 berlakon, tapi agak susah nak sangkut. so after bersalin, ive told my husband that i would just concentrate with hosting jer lah.. lagipun mana ada org nak amik mak org berlakon rite.. kalau ada pun susah lah..
but entah cane, i got this job.. hmmm.. alhamdullilahh..
tapi dalam pada bersuka ria dapat rezeki lebih, ada jugak dugaanNya. i dont have that much of time to spend with my anggun anymore. my time is very limited. fortunately i ada bibik yang boleh ahrap. but still, i tak boleh nak serah 100% to her.
oppss.. got ta go jap..
will write back..
dik irah....
congratulation.finally u become a great mother to Anggun...keep work hard..when tired, always remember this "apabila semalaman ibu tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah memberinya pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah".....
tcare....n i love to read all ur stuff gurl....keep it up!
anggun. nice name. don't think i've asked you her name. she looks like you alright.
omg,anggun comel gilaa..u should be proud(:(:
n i bet,when she grow up.shes gonna be as hottt as her mummy!!!
thanx kak.. really didnt expect that there are ppl would read this about my Anggun.wuhuu..
n thanx for you tips jugak. nuthing is great than just being a great momy..
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